Works of Basuki Abdullah
Basuki Abdullah Biography
Basoeki Abdullah (born in Surakarta, Central Java, January 25, 1915 - died 5 November 1993 at age 78 years) is a master painter Indonesia. He is known as a painter and naturalist aliranrealis. He has been appointed the official painter Merdeka Palace in Jakarta and his works adorn the palaces of the state and the presidency of Indonesia, in addition to a collection of goods from all over the world.
Talent inherited from his father painted Suryosubro Abdullah who is also a painter and dancer. While his grandfather was a prominent Indonesian National Awakening Movement in the early 1900's ie Doctor Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Since the age of 4 years Basoeki Abdullah began to love to paint some well-known figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Jesus Christ and Krishnamurti.Basoeki Abdullah formal education obtained in his Catholic and Catholic junior in Solo.Thanks to the help of Pastor Koch SJ, Basoeki Abdullah in 1933 obtained a scholarship to study at the Academic Arts (Academie Voor Beeldende Kunsten) in The Hague, Netherlands, and completed his studies in 3 years with the award-winning Royal International Certificate of Art (RIA).During the Japanese Government, Basoeki Abdullah joined the Movement of People's Power Center or Poetra which was formed on March 19, 1943. Within this movement Poetra Basoeki Abdullah was given the job of teaching the art of painting. His students include Kusnadi (painter and art critic of Indonesia) and Zaini (impressionism painter). In addition Poetra organization, Basoeki Abdullah also active in Keimin Sidhosjo Bunka (the Japanese government's Cultural Center) together Affandi, S. Sudjoyono, Otto Djaya and Basoeki Resobawo.In times of revolution Bosoeki Abdullah was not in the ground water that until now not clear what lies behind it. Clearly on 6 September 1948 held in Amsterdam the Netherlands during the coronation of Queen Juliana in which the painting competition was held, Basoeki Abdullah managed to beat 87 European painters and managed to come out as winners.Painting "Balinese Beauty" by Basoeki Abdullah sold at Christie's auction in Singapore in 1996.Since it is also the world began to recognize Basoeki Abdullah, son of Indonesia that it the name of Indonesia. Over in the Netherlands Basoeki Abdullah often traveled around Europe and also the opportunity to deepen the art of painting by exploring Italy and France where many artists live with a worldwide reputation.Basoeki Abdullah known as a portrait painter, mainly painting beautiful women, royal families and heads of state are likely to enhance or beautify a person rather than the original face. Apart from being an accomplished portrait painter, he too paints landscapes, fauna, flora, the themes of struggle, construction and so forth.Basoeki Abdullah held many solo exhibitions both domestically and abroad, among others, his work ever exhibited in Bangkok (Thailand), Malaysia, Japan, Netherlands, England, Portugal and other nations. Approximately 22 countries that have paintings Basoeki Abdullah. Almost all of his life was spent abroad including several years living in Thailand and was appointed as the Presidential Palace and the painter since 1974 Basoeki Abdullah lived in Jakarta.Basoeki Abdullah besides a painter is also good at dancing and puppet dances are often performed by people as Ravana or Hanuman. He not only mastered about puppetry, Javanese culture where it originated, but also fond of the composition-kompasisi Franz Schubert, Beethoven and Paganini, with such broad horizons as an artist and not Jawasentris.Basoeki Abdullah married four times. Yoshepin his first wife (the Netherlands) but then split up, had a son named Saraswati. Then married again to Maya Michel (split) and So Mwang Noi (bepisah anyway). Nataya Narerat married last until the end of his life and had children Cicilia SidhawatiBasoeki Abdullah was killed robbers at his home on November 5, 1993. His body was buried in the village of Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
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